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The Hawleywood Insider

  • Writer's pictureHawley Penfold

5 Potential Job Pathways for Public Relations Majors

Updated: Jan 30, 2023

When thinking about a career in Public Relations, most associate glamourous lifestyles, and parties such as that of the character Samantha from the popular show Sex and the City. With the evolution of PR, nowadays the career paths opportunities for the public relations field are infinite and continue to expand with the ever-changing nature of social media and the development of marketing approaches. College often teaches you how to do your major, but very rarely emphasizes what to do with it. When students reach the workforce after graduation, they are often left wondering “what do I do now with my degree?”. The answer is never one size fits all, here are a few career pathways for Public Relations Majors.

Why choose a degree in PR?

The public relations industry is rapidly growing at a projected growth rate of 8% between the years of 2021-31, which is faster than average according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. In the year 2023, the market size is expected to increase 2.7%. PR Week has called PR one of the fastest-growing industries, creating thousands of potential jobs for graduates. The industry is comprised of approximately 63.9% females and 36.1% males. Public Relations is one of the most versatile career paths for one seeking a fast-paced life of thinking on your toes and expressing your creativity.


1. Social Media Manager

With the viral nature of social media nowadays, the role of a social media manager is rapidly evolving and is a highly sought-after skill regardless of industry. A PR degree is versatile because every industry needs public relations in some form. Social Media managers are often entry-level positions ideal for those freshly out of college and often come in the form of internships for many organizations.

2. Publicist

A publicist is probably the first place one's mind goes when thinking about potential career paths associated with Public Relations because it's literally in the name. Publicists do just that, they generate earned publicity for their organization and create relationships that can help enhance the image of the brand.

3. Copy Writer

A skill needed in the PR industry is to have good writing skills and students are often held to the same writing standards as those of AP Journalists, adhering to AP style. Because of this, those with PR degrees may find copywriting as a niche to pursue in their career. Copywriters create clear and concise content for the promotion of a campaign or industry. If writing is your strong suit, you may excel in this career path.

4. Event Planner

Public Relations teaches the essential skills of promotion needed to excel in the event planning industry. Creating a good public image is an important aspect of event planning. The organizational communication skills gained can also contribute to a career in event planning. Because PR majors often have the opportunity to have access to classes in hospitality, they can choose a niche path in college to prepare them for entering the workforce in the event planning industry.

5. Marketing

PR majors are often exposed to similar coursework to those studying marketing in college. The same persuasive methods are taught and skills learned in one specialty can often apply to the other. With the main difference being paid versus earned media, it is an easy switch for those pursuing a PR degree to find a career path in marketing.

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