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The Hawleywood Insider

  • Writer's pictureHawley Penfold

Agency or In-House, What's Best for You

Updated: Mar 3, 2023

Public Relations majors are often hit with the question “what do you want to do with your degree?”. Many students' responses are “I don’t know”. Graduates nowadays are inundated with career path choices, but the primary distinction between these is agency versus in-house careers. Both career paths offer many opportunities and in a growing career field, there is stability and opportunity to be found within this industry.

What is a Public Relations Agency?

PR Agencies are known for their versatility and the wide range of services that they offer to their clients. Working in a PR Agency, you can expect a fast-paced work life filled with a team-building mindset. PR Agencies offer services such as media relations, influencer relations, crisis management, and social media that keep their teams occupied during daily work. When working in a PR Agency, you are most likely working on multiple clients at a time and your resources are stretched across. Staff who work in an Agency tend to take on a more comprehensive outlook when it comes to public relations and therefore has a more dynamic approach than working in an In-House PR department. Agency life also provides more opportunities for advancement due to the specialization of employees that work at PR agencies. By constantly working on new accounts, you have access to fresh perspectives and don’t get caught up in the monotonous day-to-day activities that are accompanied by In-House work.

What is In-House Public Relations?

In-House Public Relations is when one works internally for a company. Working In-House allows PR Teams to take a more specialized and focused approach when it comes to promoting the client. Many begin their careers in the fast-paced agency life and when they get older tend to move towards In-House PR for a slower pace. PR Specialists can expect to see continuity in the brand messaging they are producing and can really get to know a brand. Working In-House also ties in with the aspect of internal in addition to external communication. Because you are only working on one client within an In-House establishment, there is more time to evolve a certain skillset as it pertains to the work you do for that brand. By working in-house, there is limited room for growth within the PR department, however, there is access to senior management in other departments of the company.

What is best for you?

Ultimately, while Agency versus In-House is the constant question when it comes to those entering the PR Industry, there are many career paths one can choose to pursue with a degree in public relations. Agency life is preferred for those who seek a fast-paced life and access to updated technology. If you are one that likes to stay up on trends and is good at multi-tasking, Agency might be the best path for you. If you are looking for a more stable position, In-House can offer this while Agency often sees a high turnover rate with relatively low retention.

To read more on the PR Industry, follow my Instagram @hawleypenfold and keep up to date on my blog The Hawleywood Insider!

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